Thursday, March 26, 2015

Blog Post #10

What can we learn from Mrs. Cassidy?
In the video Little Kids..Big Potential, Ms. Cassidy shows that there are very effective and efficient ways to use technology in the classroom. She created a class website for her students to use as safe learning tool in the classroom that allows them to surf the web and view safe webpages. She also uses blogging and videos in order to keep the classroom parents up to date on everything that is going on with the students, as well as an opportunity to give the students a chance to connect and reflect on their peers' work in and out of the classroom.

Cassidy mentions that without technology in the classroom out future students will become handicapped in their educational potential. Incorporating a class blog opens multiple avenues for students to connect with thousands of other students all over the world, and gives them a place to display and confidence in the work they are doing.This gets them excited to learn and use technology at the same time. 

As important as technology is for students to learn, it is ten times as important for the teachers to be equip, and to know the most efficient ways to use this technology in their classroom so that it will be beneficial to their students. Cassidy makes it clear that technology without knowledgeable teachers is ineffective. 
She has a great outlook on technology in the classroom and I agree with her approach. I hope to bring to my own classroom and students the gift of an engaging education through the use of technology.


  1. Danielle,
    I always love reading your posts.It seems that you share a lot of the same opinion as myself. Knowing the most efficient ways to use technology is a definite plus!
    Good post!
