Mr. Dancealot:
In the Mr. Dancealot video the central message for me was that interactive teaching is required in order for the students to grasp the central message and key concepts that the teacher is trying to relay to the class. Also, the importance of the teacher's willingness to teach and and explain what is being taught. The need for visual aides is essential in some cases to better explain the material being covered, other wise the material could be misunderstood.
The author of this video makes a clear case for this conclusion by doing an effective job in demonstrating the importance of visual aides in the classroom, and most importantly he demonstrates that a class is useless without a teacher willing to teach their students and help them to understand the subject matter. The author demonstrates this by showing the level of difficulty the students faced with the dynamics required for the dance class as well as the level of unpreparedness the students faced at the end of the term.
I do agree with the conclusion. the author's emphasis on the need for a teacher that is willing to teach and the necessity for visual aides and demonstration in the classroom is vital to the learning process which was very clear from the video.
Teaching in the 21st century:
Argument of information.
1. Relevant
2. Challenging
3. Engaging
1. Not used as entertainment
2. Info used as ways to engage
To this author teaching in the 21st century means utilizing technology in a way that gives the information it supplies us and our students with in a way that gives it purpose, a purpose for more than entertainment but a purpose to engage them. Teaching students to attain information by using technology as well as teaching them ways in which to filter the information they obtain through technology and how to use the information in a reliable, credible, accurate way in the classroom and in the world.
I agree with Robert's ideas on teaching in the 21st century. He makes valid points on the ways in which it should and can be used in regards to education. I believe that students in this day and age are completely plugged in and teaching them things about technology plugs them into technology in a different way, a way that can mold them into better equipped students. As an educator it is vital that I keep up and stay ahead of the emerging technology in the classroom if I intend to teach accurately and informatively in my classroom.
The Networked Student: Why does the networking student even need a teacher?
The teacher is most important to the networking student because this is the person who can introduce them to the idea of networking and ways to do it. The networking student needs a teacher to show and teach them the most accurate, engaging and relevant ways to network. The teacher is there to show the students how to communicate clearly and professionally, as well as how to build their networks and expand their learning opportunities through their networking skills. They need someone to how them the difference between good information and propaganda or bad information, the students also need to know how to organize and maintain the information and networks they obtain.
Harness your students' digital smarts:
This video captures the importance of Bridging the gap between the classroom and technology. Eliminating the paper and pencil methodology that this is the only way to learn and create. Teaching students to harness their own digital capabilities and showing them ways to learn and collaborate via technology effectively is a necessity for not only the teachers but the students in the 21st century. I think this video was a great way to show first hand how technology is being used in the classroom and in a way that students will find engaging and helpful.
Who's ahead in the learning race?
I would say that the elementary school students are ahead in the learning race. I say this because they are experiencing technology much earlier than my generation did when I was in school, but also because technology has advanced at a much faster rate in the last few years enabling the younger generation to learn things much more efficiently and effectively than when my generation was in elementary school. Many of the things they are learning how to do in their elementary years I learned much later or am learning to do them now. Which is such an amazing thing for them as students because they will be technologically equipped to do so and it will make furthering their education that much more relevant and achievable.
Flipping the classroom:
Flipping the classroom is a new technique for teaching that I was not familiar with prior to this video.
I do believe this type of teaching would be useful to me as well was my future students. It would teach students the importance of preparedness and responsibility while simultaneously using technology. This experience of flipping the classroom would give students an extra step up in their work by allowing them to see what they know as well as what they need help with before even stepping foot in their class. Awesome teaching tool!
Bringing the locker room into the classroom:
As a teacher bring the coaching aspect into the classroom would be beneficial to students. If the students are aware of the manner in which their classroom lessons, activities and discussions will be conducted, as well as that their classroom environment welcomes discussions, question and curiosity then the students will be much more comfortable being vocal in their classroom maximizing their own as well as their classmates' learning experiences.
I enjoyed reading your blog post and learning your perspective on these videos. It seems that we agree on a lot of things and how they should be used in the classroom. In reference to the first video, I definitely agree with you that interactive teaching is a necessity in the classroom. Being a hands on learner myself, I couldn't imagine learning a dance without having a chance to practice it.
ReplyDeleteFlipping the classroom is also a new concept for me as well. When I first watched the video, I did not like the idea of it and ruled it out as a possibility of something to use in my future classroom. However, reading your perspective has somewhat opened me up to it. It would give students that extra step and I would be willing to test it out in my classroom, if it is something that the students and parents like as well.
Good post overall! I would suggest putting links to each of the videos you are referring to. Remember that just because those in the class know what you are referring to doesn't mean that everyone will.