Saturday, January 17, 2015

Blog Post #1

     So, when I learned on the first day of class that there was no paper in or out and the class was projected based, my first impression of EDM 310 was that this was definitely going to be an interesting class. Interesting in the sense that I have never had a class like this before, which I was somewhat nervous about initially. When I heard the word blog come up during the explanation of the syllabus I actually got excited. I've always wanted to blog but I have just never really known how to start or where to go to start a blog, so I became pretty interested when the topic came up. As far as the other projects that were mentioned we will complete this semester, I am unfamiliar with some of the technology and how the movie making aspect works but I am interested to find out along the way. Now, as far as the actual EDM 310 course work load goes it does sound like a large amount of time compared to some of my other courses, and that I can say I am not to excited for. The work load makes me somewhat nervous because I have had people tell me in the past that EDM310 will be a hard and time consuming class especially if you get behind. This make me anxious mostly because I am what society considers a procrastinator, the worst kind at that. I wait till the last minute to do most things in my life, but I do work better under pressure so only time will tell I suppose. My goal for this course is obviously to successfully pass, but also to improve some of my technology skill as well as my time management skills. So far, So good! 

1 comment:

  1. I was apprehensive at first also. I honestly knew next to nothing about the class, just knew that I had to take it. I share your excitement to learn new things, for sure. I've only used movie maker a few times in high school, but some of the things you can do with it are amazing. I think you'll really enjoy its many aspects.
    We will surely have to procrastinate later, as it doesn't seem it can be done for this class. This course seems that it will surely require those nine hours a week that the syllabus says we should put aside. Hope you're able to enjoy what the class has to offer!
